What is Benfa?

Benfa aims to solve the problem of price discovery in the NFT market through the DA mechanism. An efficient price discovery mechanism will enable participants to conduct transactions faster and increase liquidity through tokenization. The DAO-based price discovery mechanism of BENFA will make the financialization of NFT asset classes possible. Whether it's Defi, NFTs, GameFi, or the Metaverse, BENFA brings together new, exciting projects directly to its NFB holders.


NFT Statistics.

We see through the most important NFT statistics to give you a vision of some of the potentially valuable trends.

$44 M

Last 24H trading volume

$91.8 M

Most expensive valuable NFT sold

7M $

Most expensive video


NFT market



The existing licensing processes of derivative content are mostly manual and time-consuming. With an NFT 2.0 smart contract, these processes can be automated.

  • Exclusivity

    Data and files stored in an augmented NFT are only accessible to the owner, giving our users the ability to create exclusive content while remaining sole owners.

  • Scalability

    Execute smoother NFT trades through scalable attributes of Alph network on NFT Alley, resulting in high latency trades

  • No Owner

    Ownership of the contract was renounced on day one. This means that the code cannot be changed by anyone.

  • Royalty Incentivization

    Creators receive royalties from a reproducer’s revenue via the NFT smart contract. This speeds up collaboration and sharing benefits between author and re-publisher, resulting in more income for both parties.


Get a free marketplace.

Download the MetaMask extension or get the app for iPhone & Android

Explore NFT ON Alph (Soon)



We develop Blockchain technology to support the artist as well as produce unique artwork.

ProcessedProject design and scope

ProcessedNFT Marketplace

ProcessedInitial design


ProcessedNFT Marketplace for Collectibles


ProcessedNFT Art Marketplace

ProcessedNFT Self-minting

ProcessedNFT Music Marketplace

ProcessedFirst Onboarding

ProcessedIntegration on Alph Network

ProcessedTestnet goes live (Launch The Beta Version)


ProcessingInitial integrations with EVM Ethereum

ProcessingMainnet iteration

ProcedureNFT Auction bidding

ProcedureNFT Auction bidding

ProcedureNFT Lending

ProcedureGoverence Vote

ProcedureCross-chain Solution



What do team members think?


Do you have questions?

  • What does NFT stand for?

    NFT tokens are irreplaceable. They are issued as token ownership certificates for any type of digital asset.

  • What makes an NFT valuable?

    The value of an NFT comes from the property it represents, which is generally something that exists in the digital world like an original piece of art or digital memorabilia. The NFT itself doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property but points to its location on the blockchain. Like a concert ticket or a deed to a physical property, an NFT reflects the value of the thing it represents.

  • What should I buy at the NFT?

    NFTs can be anything structured digital. For example, paintings, music, universe frequency, or short film. But the real excitement was about using this technology to sell digital art specifically.

  • How make transaction payments for trade-in NFT Marketplace?

    NFT marketplaces offer direct payment by cryptocurrency. Payments have to be instant.

    In while, personal information details should not be required.

BENFA is a multi-chain NFT Marketplace operating on Main network. NFT's aims to hand-pick and vet superior projects that offer significant and add value to , Market, GameFi and the Metaverse.